gource 命令生成动画 Tree 效果图
-bash/zsh: gource: command not found #Debian apt-get install gource #Ubuntu apt-get install gource #Alpine apk add gource #Arch Linux pacman -S gource #Kali Linux apt-get install gource #Fedora dnf install gource #OS X brew install gource #Raspbian apt-get install gource #Windows https://github.com/acaudwell/Gource/releases/download/gource-0.53/gource-0.53.win64-setup.exe https://github.com/acaudwell/Gource/releases/download/gource-0.53/gource-0.53.win64.zip #Docker docker run cmd.cat/gource gource
呈现 Git、SVN、Mercurial 和 Bazaar 存储库的动画树图。它显示了随着时间的推移创建、修改或删除的文件和文件夹。
Gource 将软件项目显示为以项目根目录为中心的动画树。 目录显示为分支,文件显示为叶子。 可以看到开发人员在他们为项目做出贡献的时候在树上工作。
Gource 包括对 Git、Mercurial、Bazaar 和 SVN 的内置日志生成支持。 Gource 还可以解析由多个第三方工具为 CVS 存储库生成的日志。
gource [options] [path]
-h, --help Help ('-H' for extended help). -WIDTHxHEIGHT, --viewport WIDTHxHEIGHT Set the viewport size. If -f is also supplied, will attempt to set the video mode to this also. Add ! to make the window non-resizable. --screen SCREEN Set the number of the screen to display on. --high-dpi Request a high DPI display when creating the window. On some platforms such as MacOS, the window resolution is specified in points instead of pixels. The --high-dpi flag may be required to access some higher resolutions. E.g. requesting a high DPI 800x600 window may produce a window that is 1600x1200 pixels. --window-position XxY Initial window position on your desktop which may be made up of multiple monitors. This will override the screen setting so don't specify both. --frameless Frameless window. -f, --fullscreen Fullscreen. -w, --windowed Windowed. --transparent Make the background transparent. Only really useful for screenshots. --start-date "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss +tz" Start with the first entry after the supplied date and optional time. If a time zone offset isn't specified the local time zone is used. Example accepted formats: "2012-06-30" "2012-06-30 12:00" "2012-06-30 12:00:00 +12" --stop-date "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss +tz" Stop after the last entry prior to the supplied date and optional time. Uses the same format as --start-date. -p, --start-position POSITION Begin at some position in the log (between 0.0 and 1.0 or 'random'). --stop-position POSITION Stop (exit) at some position in the log (does not work with STDIN). -t, --stop-at-time SECONDS Stop (exit) after a specified number of seconds. --stop-at-end Stop (exit) at the end of the log / stream. --loop Loop back to the start of the log when the end is reached. --loop-delay-seconds Seconds to delay before looping. -a, --auto-skip-seconds SECONDS Skip to next entry if nothing happens for a number of seconds. -s, --seconds-per-day SECONDS Speed of simulation in seconds per day. --realtime Realtime playback speed. --no-time-travel Use the time of the last commit if the time of a commit is in the past. -c, --time-scale SCALE Change simulation time scale. -i, --file-idle-time SECONDS Time in seconds files remain idle before they are removed or 0 for no limit. --file-idle-time-at-end SECONDS Time in seconds files remain idle at the end before they are removed. -e, --elasticity FLOAT Elasticity of nodes. -b, --background-colour FFFFFF Background colour in hex. --background-image IMAGE Set a background image. --logo IMAGE Logo to display in the foreground. --logo-offset XxY Offset position of the logo. --title TITLE Set a title. --font-file FILE Specify the font. Should work with most font file formats supported by FreeType, such as TTF and OTF, among others. --font-scale SCALE Scale the size of all fonts. --font-size SIZE Font size used by the date and title. --file-font-size SIZE Font size of filenames. --dir-font-size SIZE Font size of directory names --user-font-size SIZE Font size of user names. --font-colour FFFFFF Font colour used by the date and title in hex. --key Show file extension key. --date-format FORMAT Specify display date string (strftime format). --log-command VCS Show the VCS log command used by gource (git,svn,hg,bzr,cvs2cl). --log-format VCS Specify the log format (git,svn,hg,bzr,cvs2cl,custom). Required when reading from STDIN. --git-branch Get the git log of a branch other than the current one. --follow-user USER Have the camera automatically follow a particular user. --highlight-dirs Highlight the names of all directories. --highlight-user USER Highlight the names of a particular user. --highlight-users Highlight the names of all users. --highlight-colour FFFFFF Font colour for highlighted users in hex. --selection-colour FFFFFF Font colour for selected users and files. --filename-colour FFFFFF Font colour for filenames. --dir-colour FFFFFF Font colour for directories. --dir-name-depth DEPTH Draw names of directories down to a specific depth in the tree. --dir-name-position FLOAT Position along edge of the directory name (between 0.1 and 1.0, default is 0.5). --filename-time SECONDS Duration to keep filenames on screen (>= 2.0). --file-extensions Show filename extensions only. --file-extension-fallback Use filename as extension if the extension is missing or empty. --file-filter REGEX Filter out file paths matching the specified regular expression. --file-show-filter REGEX Show only file paths matching the specified regular expression. --user-filter REGEX Filter usernames matching the specified regular expression. --user-show-filter REGEX Show only usernames matching the specified regular expression. --user-image-dir DIRECTORY Directory containing .jpg or .png images of users (eg "Full Name.png") to use as avatars. --default-user-image IMAGE Path of .jpg or .png to use as the default user image. --fixed-user-size Forces the size of the user image to remain fixed throughout. --colour-images Colourize user images. --crop AXIS Crop view on an axis (vertical,horizontal). --padding FLOAT Camera view padding. --multi-sampling Enable multi-sampling. --no-vsync Disable vsync. --bloom-multiplier FLOAT Adjust the amount of bloom. --bloom-intensity FLOAT Adjust the intensity of the bloom. --max-files NUMBER Set the maximum number of files or 0 for no limit. Excess files will be discarded. --max-file-lag SECONDS Max time files of a commit can take to appear. Use -1 for no limit. --max-user-speed UNITS Max speed users can travel per second. --user-friction SECONDS Time users take to come to a halt. --user-scale SCALE Change scale of user avatars. --camera-mode MODE Camera mode (overview,track). --disable-auto-rotate Disable automatic camera rotation. --disable-input Disable keyboard and mouse input. --hide DISPLAY_ELEMENT Hide one or more display elements from the list below: bloom - bloom effect date - current date dirnames - names of directories files - file icons filenames - names of files mouse - mouse cursor progress - progress bar widget root - root directory of tree tree - animated tree structure users - user avatars usernames - names of users Separate multiple elements with commas (eg "mouse,progress") --hash-seed SEED Change the seed of hash function. --caption-file FILE Caption file (see Caption Log Format). --caption-size SIZE Caption size. --caption-colour FFFFFF Caption colour in hex. --caption-duration SECONDS Caption duration. --caption-offset X Caption horizontal offset (0 to centre captions). -o, --output-ppm-stream FILE Output a PPM image stream to a file ('-' for STDOUT). This will automatically hide the progress bar initially and enable 'stop-at-end' unless other behaviour is specified. -r, --output-framerate FPS Framerate of output (25,30,60). Used with --output-ppm-stream. --output-custom-log FILE Output a custom format log file ('-' for STDOUT). --load-config CONFIG_FILE Load a gource conf file. --save-config CONFIG_FILE Save a gource conf file with the current options. --path PATH path Either a supported version control directory, a pre-generated log file (see log commands or the custom log format), a Gource conf file or '-' to read STDIN. If path is omitted, gource will attempt to read a log from the current directory.
在一个目录中运行 gource(如果它不是存储库的根目录,则从那里查找根目录):
gource path/to/repository
在当前目录中运行 gource,使用自定义输出分辨率:
gource -widthxheight
gource 命令为动画设置自定义时间刻度:
gource -c time_scale_multiplier
gource 命令设置动画中每天的时长(如果提供,这与 -c 结合使用):
gource -s seconds
gource 命令设置全屏模式和自定义背景颜色:
gource -f -b hex_color_code
gource 命令为动画设置标题:
gource --title title