bash 3.2+
编写的命令行系统信息工具。neofetch 以美观和美观的方式显示有关您的操作系统,软件和硬件的信息。
-bash/zsh: neofetch command not found #Debian apt-get install neofetch #Ubuntu apt-get install neofetch #Alpine apk add neofetch #Arch Linux pacman -S neofetch #GoboLinux sudo Compile neofetch #NixOS sudo nix-env -i neofetch #Kali Linux apt-get install neofetch #Fedora dnf install neofetch #OS X brew install neofetch #Raspbian apt-get install neofetch #Docker docker run cmd.cat/neofetch neofetch #Windows - Install it from the Scoop. scoop install neofetch ---- CentOS ----------------------- Neofetch is in Fedora's official repositories starting from Fedora 27. sudo dnf install neofetch Alternatively, you can use a third-party repo: NOTE: If you are using RHEL/CentOS, change dnf into yum. Make sure you have installed dnf-plugins-core Enable COPR repository sudo dnf copr enable konimex/neofetch Install the package sudo dnf install neofetch Alternatively: If you're using RHEL/CentOS, make sure you have installed epel-release Fetch the repo file curl -o /etc/yum.repos.d/konimex-neofetch-epel-7.repo https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/konimex/neofetch/repo/epel-7/konimex-neofetch-epel-7.repo NOTE: If you are using Fedora, change epel-7 to fedora-23 or your Fedora version respectively. However if you are using RHEL/CentOS 6, change it to epel-6. Install the package sudo dnf install neofetch
neofetch 是 CLI 工具,用于显示有关操作系统,软件和硬件的信息。neoftech 支持将近 150 种不同的操作系统。从 Linux 到 Windows,一直到更晦涩的操作系统(如 Minix,AIX 和 Haiku)。
neofetch 获取信息后,最终效果如图:
neofetch [Optional Flags]
--disable 'infoname' Allows you to disable an info line from appearing in the output. NOTE: You can supply multiple args. eg. ´neofetch --disable cpu gpu disk shell´ NOTE: The arguments must all be lowercase. --os_arch 'on/off' Hide/Show OS architecture. --speed_type 'type' Change the type of cpu speed to display. Possible values: current, min, max, bios, scaling_current, scaling_min, scaling_max NOTE: This only support Linux with cpufreq. --cpu_shorthand 'type' Shorten the output of CPU Possible values: name, speed, tiny, on, off --cpu_cores 'logical/physical/off' Whether or not to display the number of CPU cores Note: 'physical' doesn't work on BSD. --cpu_speed 'on/off' Hide/Show cpu speed. --cpu_temp 'on/off' Hide/Show cpu temperature. NOTE: This only works on Linux and BSD. NOTE: For FreeBSD-based systems, you need to enable coretemp kernel module. --distro_shorthand 'on/off' Shorten the output of distro (tiny, on, off) NOTE: This option won't work in Windows (Cygwin) --kernel_shorthand 'on/off' Shorten the output of kernel NOTE: This option won't work in BSDs (except PacBSD and PC-BSD) --uptime_shorthand 'on/off' Shorten the output of uptime (tiny, on, off) --refresh_rate 'on/off' Whether to display the refresh rate of each monitor Note: Unsupported on Windows --gpu_brand on/off Enable/Disable GPU brand in output. (AMD/NVIDIA/Intel) --gtk_shorthand 'on/off' Shorten output of gtk theme/icons --gtk2 'on/off' Enable/Disable GTK2 theme/icons output --gtk3 'on/off' Enable/Disable gtk3 theme/icons output --shell_path 'on/off' Enable/Disable showing $SHELL path --shell_version 'on/off' Enable/Disable showing $SHELL version --ip_host 'url' URL to query for public IP --song_shorthand 'on/off' Print the Artist/Title on seperate lines --birthday_shorthand 'on/off' Shorten the output of birthday --birthday_time 'on/off' Enable/Disable showing the time in birthday output --birthday_format 'format' Format the birthday output. (Uses 'date' cmd format) TEXT FORMATTING --colors x x x x x x Changes the text colors in this order: title, @, underline, subtitle, colon, info --underline on/off enable/disable the underline. --underline_char 'char' Character to use when underlining title --bold 'on/off' Enable/Disable bold text --prompt_height 'num' Set this to your prompt height to fix issues with the text going off screen at the top COLOR BLOCKS --color_blocks 'on/off' Enable/Disable the color blocks --block_width 'num' Width of color blocks in spaces --block_height 'num' Height of color blocks in lines --block_range 'start' 'end' Range of colors to print as blocks BARS --bar_char 'elapsed char' 'total char' Characters to use when drawing bars. --bar_border on/off Whether or not to surround the bar with '[]' --bar_length 'num' Length in spaces to make the bars. --bar_colors 'num' 'num' Colors to make the bar. Set in this order: elapsed, total --cpu_display 'mode' Bar mode. Takes: bar, infobar, barinfo, off --memory_display 'mode' Bar mode. Takes: bar, infobar, barinfo, off --battery_display 'mode' Bar mode. Takes: bar, infobar, barinfo, off --disk_display 'mode' Bar mode. Takes: bar, infobar, barinfo, off IMAGE --image 'type' Image source. Where and what image we display. Possible values: wall, ascii, /path/to/img, /path/to/dir/, off --size 'size' How to size the image. Possible values: auto, 00px, 00%, none --crop_mode 'mode' Which crop mode to use Takes the values: normal, fit, fill --crop_offset 'value' Change the crop offset for normal mode. Possible values: northwest, north, northeast, west, center, east, southwest, south, southeast --xoffset 'value' How close the image will be to the left edge of the window in pixel. This only works with w3m. --yoffset 'value' How close the image will be to the top edge of the window. This only works with w3m. --bg_color 'color' Background color to display behind transparent image. This only works with w3m. --gap 'num' Gap between image and text. NOTE: --gap can take a negative value which will move the text closer to the left side. --clean Delete cached files and thumbnails. ASCII --ascii 'value' Where to get the ASCII from Possible values: distro, /path/to/ascii --ascii_colors x x x x x x Colors to print the ASCII art --ascii_distro 'distro' Which Distro´s ASCII art to print NOTE: Arch and Ubuntu have 'old' logo varients. NOTE: Use 'arch_old' or 'ubuntu_old' to use the old logos. NOTE: Ubuntu has flavor varients. NOTE: Change this to 'Lubuntu', 'Xubuntu', 'Ubuntu-GNOME' or 'Ubuntu-Budgie' to use the flavors. --ascii_logo_size 'size' Size of ascii logo. Supported distros: Arch, Gentoo, Crux, OpenBSD. Possible values: small, normal --ascii_bold 'on/off' Whether or not to bold the ascii logo. --logo | -L Hide the info text and only show the ascii logo. SCREENSHOT --scrot 'path' Take a screenshot, if path is left empty the screenshot function will use $scrot_dir and $scrot_name. --upload | -su 'path' Same as --scrot but uploads the scrot to a website. --image_host 'host' Website to upload scrots to. Takes: imgur, teknik --scrot_cmd 'cmd' Screenshot program to launch OTHER --config 'path' Specify a path to a custom config file --config none Launch the script without a config file --help --test Launch the script with all functions / options enabled. This should only be used for testing purposes, ie Travis.CI. --version Show neofetch version. -v Display error messages. -vv Display a verbose log for error reporting.
neofetch 返回默认配置,并在程序首次运行时创建它:
neofetch 触发一条信息行,使其不出现在输出中,其中 infoname
neofetch --enable|disable infoname
neofetch 隐藏/显示操作系统架构:
neofetch --os_arch on|off
neofetch 在输出中启用/禁用 CPU
neofetch --cpu_brand on|off