bat 命令详解

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bat 命令安装:

-bash: bat: command not found

apt-get install bacula-console-qt

yum install bacula-console-bat

或者: #官网下载最新 Release

sudo sh -c 'wget -O - |tar -xvzf - -C /usr/local/bin && mv /usr/local/bin/bat-v0.15.4-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl/bat /usr/local/bin/bat'
增加 alias to ~/.zshrc 或者 ~/.bashrc
alias bat="/usr/local/bin/bat"

yum install rust cargo
cargo install bat

sudo dpkg -i bat_0.6.0_amd64.deb  # adapt version number and architecture
apt-get install bacula-console-qt

#Arch Linux
pacman -S bat

#Kali Linux
apt-get install bacula-console-qt

#Gentoo Linux
emerge sys-apps/bat

dnf install bat

brew install bat Or port install bat

apt-get install bacula-console-qt

#Void Linux
xbps-install -S bat

pkg install bat

zypper install bat

choco install bat Or scoop install bat

bat 命令补充说明:

bat 命令是一个用 Rust(一个新的运行时安全系统编程语言)开发的超酷的 bat 替代命令 cat,和 logo 中宣称那样的它不仅仅是对 cat 的 clone,还美化了 cat,增加了很多功能,给 cat "增加了一个翅膀"

bat 命令语法:

    bat [OPTIONS] [FILE]...
    bat <SUBCOMMAND>

bat 命令选项:

-A, --show-all                       
    Show non-printable characters like space, tab or newline. This option can also be used
    to print binary files. Use '--tabs' to control the width of the tab-placeholders.
-p, --plain                          
    Only show plain style, no decorations. This is an alias for '--style=plain'. When '-p'
    is used twice ('-pp'), it also disables automatic paging (alias for '--style=plain
-l, --language <language>            
    Explicitly set the language for syntax highlighting. The language can be specified as a
    name (like 'C++' or 'LaTeX') or possible file extension (like 'cpp', 'hpp' or 'md'). Use
    '--list-languages' to show all supported language names and file extensions.
-H, --highlight-line <N:M>...        
    Highlight the specified line ranges with a different background color For example:
      '--highlight-line 40' highlights line 40
      '--highlight-line 30:40' highlights lines 30 to 40
      '--highlight-line :40' highlights lines 1 to 40
      '--highlight-line 40:' highlights lines 40 to the end of the file
--file-name <name>...            
    Specify the name to display for a file. Useful when piping data to bat from STDIN when
    bat does not otherwise know the filename.
-d, --diff                           
    Only show lines that have been added/removed/modified with respect to the Git index. Use
    --diff-context=N to control how much context you want to see.
--diff-context <N>               
    Include N lines of context around added/removed/modified lines when using '--diff'.

--tabs <T>                       
    Set the tab width to T spaces. Use a width of 0 to pass tabs through directly

--wrap <mode>                    
    Specify the text-wrapping mode (*auto*, never, character). The '--terminal-width' option
    can be used in addition to control the output width.
--terminal-width <width>
    Explicitly set the width of the terminal instead of determining it automatically. If
    prefixed with '+' or '-', the value will be treated as an offset to the actual terminal
    width. See also: '--wrap'.
-n, --number                         
    Only show line numbers, no other decorations. This is an alias for '--style=numbers'

--color <when>                   
    Specify when to use colored output. The automatic mode only enables colors if an
    interactive terminal is detected. Possible values: *auto*, never, always.
--italic-text <when>             
    Specify when to use ANSI sequences for italic text in the output. Possible values:
    always, *never*.
--decorations <when>             
    Specify when to use the decorations that have been specified via '--style'. The
    automatic mode only enables decorations if an interactive terminal is detected. Possible
    values: *auto*, never, always.
--paging <when>                  
    Specify when to use the pager. To control which pager is used, set the PAGER or
    BAT_PAGER environment variables (the latter takes precedence) or use the '--pager'
    option. To disable the pager permanently, set BAT_PAGER to an empty string or set
    '--paging=never' in the configuration file. Possible values: *auto*, never, always.
--pager <command>                
    Determine which pager is used. This option will overwrite the PAGER and BAT_PAGER
    environment variables. The default pager is 'less'. To disable the pager completely, use
    the '--paging' option. Example: '--pager "less -RF"'.
-m, --map-syntax <glob:syntax>...
    Map a glob pattern to an existing syntax name. The glob pattern is matched on the full
    path and the filename. For example, to highlight *.build files with the Python syntax,
    use -m '*.build:Python'. To highlight files named '.myignore' with the Git Ignore
    syntax, use -m '.myignore:Git Ignore'.
--theme <theme>                  
    Set the theme for syntax highlighting. Use '--list-themes' to see all available themes.
    To set a default theme, add the '--theme="..."' option to the configuration file or
    export the BAT_THEME environment variable (e.g.: export BAT_THEME="...").
    Display a list of supported themes for syntax highlighting.

--style <components>
    Configure which elements (line numbers, file headers, grid borders, Git modifications,
    ..) to display in addition to the file contents. The argument is a comma-separated list
    of components to display (e.g. 'numbers,changes,grid') or a pre-defined style ('full').
    To set a default style, add the '--style=".."' option to the configuration file or
    export the BAT_STYLE environment variable (e.g.: export BAT_STYLE=".."). Possible
    values: *auto*, full, plain, changes, header, grid, numbers, snip.
-r, --line-range <N:M>...            
    Only print the specified range of lines for each file. For example:
      '--line-range 30:40' prints lines 30 to 40
      '--line-range :40' prints lines 1 to 40
      '--line-range 40:' prints lines 40 to the end of the file
      '--line-range 40' only prints line 40
-L, --list-languages                 
    Display a list of supported languages for syntax highlighting.

-u, --unbuffered                     
    This option exists for POSIX-compliance reasons ('u' is for 'unbuffered'). The output is
    always unbuffered - this option is simply ignored.
-h, --help                           
    Print this help message.

-V, --version                        
    Show version information.

bat 命令参数:

bat 指定查看的文件

bat 命令实例:

bat 命令的用法与 cat 命令类似:

bat > file.txt

# 注意,上面的命令是从当前标准输入获取信息到 file.txt 文件,
# Ctrl+C 后就会生成文件,在 Ctrl+C 你在可以输入一些内容,
# 这些内容就是 file.txt 中生成的内容,
# 如果不 Ctrl+C 就会卡在标准输入,不要傻等 ^_^

使用 bat 命令查看文件的内容,只需执行以下操作:

bat file.txt

bat file1.txt file2.txt #一次查看多个文件

batcat 命令的区别:cat 命令以纯文本格式显示文件的内容,而 bat 命令显示了语法高亮和整齐的文本对齐格式。

bat 命令扩展阅读:

bat 命令评论