-bash: nscd: command not found #Debian apt-get install nscd #Ubuntu apt-get install nscd #Arch Linux pacman -S nscd #Kali Linux apt-get install nscd #CentOS yum install nscd #Fedora dnf install nscd #Raspbian apt-get install nscd
NSCD (Name Service Cache Daemon) 是服务缓存守护进程,它为 NIS 和 LDAP 等服务提供更快的验证。不管是什么系统,缓存是一项非常重要的技术[或机制],缓存的主旨就是提高客户端访问速度。nscd 命令其中一个用途是可以类似 Windows 下咱们经常使用的 ipconfig -flushdns
,用于清除 DNS 缓存..
nscd (选项)(参数)
$ nscd --help 用法: nscd [选项...] Name Service Cache Daemon. -d, --debug Do not fork and display messages on the current tty -f, --config-file=名称 从NAME中读取配置数据 -g, --statistics Print current configuration statistics -i, --invalidate=TABLE Invalidate the specified cache -K, --shutdown 关闭服务器 -t, --nthreads=NUMBER 启动 NUMBER 个线程 -?, --help 给出该系统求助列表 --usage 给出简要的用法信息 -V, --version 打印程序版本号
NSCD配置文件为 /etc/nscd.conf
,NSCD 程序在启动的时候会读取 /etc/nscd.conf
文件,每一行指定一个属性和对应的值,或者指定一个服务和对应的值,#表示注释。有效的服务设定是:passwd, group, hosts, services, or netgroup 五个。
#设置日志文件 logfile debug-file-name #设置debug记录的级别,默认是0 debug-level value #程序启动时,等待进去请求的处理线程数,至少5个 threads number #最大线程数,默认32 max-threads number #nscd程序以哪个用户运行,如果设置了该选项,nscd将作为该用户运行, #而不是作为root。如果每个用户都使用一个单独的缓存(-S参数),将忽略该选项。 server-user user #哪个用户可以请求统计用户 stat-user user #在一个缓存项被删除之前允许使用的次数,默认是5 reload-count unlimited | number #是否启用偏执模式,启用会导致nscd周期性重启,默认是no paranoia#如果启用偏执模式,设置的定期重启nscd的时间间隔,默认是3600秒 restart-interval time #开启或者关闭服务缓存,默认是no enable-cache service #为成功请求的元素设置缓存TTL,单位是秒,值越大缓存命中率越高, #降低平均响应时间,但会增加缓存的一致性问题 positive-time-to-live service value #为失败查询元素设置缓存TTL,单位是秒,应保持小值,减小缓存一致性问题 negative-time-to-live service value #内部的散列表大小,value应该保持一个素数以达到优化效果。默认值是211 suggested-size service value #启用或者禁用检查文件是否属于指定的服务, #这些文件是 /etc/passwd、/etc/group、 #/etc/hosts、/etc/services、/etc/netgroup等 check-files service #设置缓存在服务器重启后,仍旧能提供缓存服务, #在使用偏执模式时有用,默认是no persistent service #为客户端共享nscd数据库在内存中做的映射, #使客户端可以直接搜索,而不用每次都查询守护进行,默认是no shared service #该数据库的最大大小,单位是bytes,默认是33554432 max-db-size service bytes #此选项仅使用于passwd和group服务 auto-propagate service
开启NSCD DNS缓存服务的优点和缺点
通过编辑 /etc/nscd.conf
文件,在其中增加如下一行可以开启本地 DNS Cache
#这个服务除了dns缓存之外还可以缓存passwd,group,servers enable-cache hosts yes
$ cat /etc/nscd.conf logfile /var/log/nscd.log threads 5 max-threads 32 server-user nscd debug-level 0 paranoia no enable-cache hosts yes enable-cache passwd no enable-cache group no positive-time-to-live hosts 60 negative-time-to-live hosts 20 suggested-size hosts 211 check-files hosts yes persistent hosts yes shared hosts yes max-db-size hosts 33554432
#默认该服务在Redhat或Centos下是关闭的, #可以通过以下指令开启 $ service nscd start #加入自启动 $ chkconfig nscd on #查看进程,如下所示,说明已经正常运行了。 [root@Dev_Test ~]$ps aux|grep nscd nscd 16269 0.0 0.0 1167248 1712 ? Ssl Dec26 0:02 nscd
NSCD缓存DB文件在/var/db/nscd下。可以通过nscd -g查看统计的信息,这里列出部分:
[root@Dev_Test ~]$nscd -g nscd configuration: 0 server debug level 15h 43m 56s server runtime 8 current number of threads 32 maximum number of threads 3 number of times clients had to wait no paranoia mode enabled 3600 restart internal 5 reload count passwd cache: yes cache is enabled yes cache is persistent yes cache is shared 211 suggested size 216064 total data pool size 3328 used data pool size 600 seconds time to live for positive entries 20 seconds time to live for negative entries 65965 cache hits on positive entries 0 cache hits on negative entries 34 cache misses on positive entries 0 cache misses on negative entries 99% cache hit rate 26 current number of cached values 26 maximum number of cached values 2 maximum chain length searched 0 number of delays on rdlock 0 number of delays on wrlock 0 memory allocations failed yes check /etc/passwd for changes group cache: yes cache is enabled yes cache is persistent yes cache is shared 211 suggested size 216064 total data pool size 1288 used data pool size 3600 seconds time to live for positive entries 60 seconds time to live for negative entries 0 cache hits on positive entries 83 cache hits on negative entries 11 cache misses on positive entries 772 cache misses on negative entries 9% cache hit rate 11 current number of cached values 15 maximum number of cached values 1 maximum chain length searched 0 number of delays on rdlock 0 number of delays on wrlock 0 memory allocations failed yes check /etc/group for changes hosts cache: yes cache is enabled yes cache is persistent yes cache is shared 211 suggested size 216064 total data pool size 1896 used data pool size 3600 seconds time to live for positive entries 20 seconds time to live for negative entries 25 cache hits on positive entries 0 cache hits on negative entries 201 cache misses on positive entries 1 cache misses on negative entries 11% cache hit rate 14 current number of cached values 15 maximum number of cached values 2 maximum chain length searched 0 number of delays on rdlock 0 number of delays on wrlock 0 memory allocations failed yes check /etc/hosts for changes services cache: yes cache is enabled yes cache is persistent yes cache is shared 211 suggested size 216064 total data pool size 408 used data pool size 28800 seconds time to live for positive entries 20 seconds time to live for negative entries 0 cache hits on positive entries 0 cache hits on negative entries 4 cache misses on positive entries 0 cache misses on negative entries 0% cache hit rate 4 current number of cached values 4 maximum number of cached values 0 maximum chain length searched 0 number of delays on rdlock 0 number of delays on wrlock 0 memory allocations failed yes check /etc/services for changes netgroup cache: yes cache is enabled yes cache is persistent yes cache is shared 211 suggested size 216064 total data pool size 0 used data pool size 28800 seconds time to live for positive entries 20 seconds time to live for negative entries 0 cache hits on positive entries 0 cache hits on negative entries 0 cache misses on positive entries 0 cache misses on negative entries 0% cache hit rate 0 current number of cached values 0 maximum number of cached values 0 maximum chain length searched 0 number of delays on rdlock 0 number of delays on wrlock 0 memory allocations failed yes check /etc/netgroup for changes
$ nscd -i passwd $ nscd -i group $ nscd -i hosts
$ sudo /etc/init.d/nscd restart $ service nscd restart #或者 $ service nscd reload #或者